Friday, July 24, 2009

The Plan

Make $1000 per month using 2 websites, and do it for free by leveraging your cash.

Can you click 4 to 5 Paid to Click [PTC] ads per day? Can you view 60 websites per week? The money you make can quickly grow to $1000 per month with zero out of pocket cost. The key is patience and persistence. $1000 per month is $12,000 per year and that sure beats working for it. Make money work for you and you won't have to work for it.

First you'll need to join Neobux as a Standard member which means you're a free member. You'll get about 4 sometimes 5 ads per day which will earn you 4 to 5 cents. Doesn't sound like much money I know, but it adds up. This plan is based on the Standard Membership so you don't need to upgrade to Golden right away. It costs $90.00 per year to upgrade to Golden membership. It's not necessary to do so right away, better to wait until you have the cash.

New Google Doc Showing Daily Totals Click Here!


The next website you'll need to join is 15 Ads Daily . This is an advertising website traffic exchange that pays its members 90 percent of the money it earns every week. They've gone flexible and now you have to surf 60 websites per week, not 15 per day. Surf them all at once or spread them out over 7 days it's up to you how you do it. You can join for free and upgrading to Pro costs $10.00 to buy 1 Ad Pack.

Originally we used Ad-Ventures 4 U as our second program, but they have changed their policy and are not accepting new members. If you're already a member with Ad-Ventures stay and surf there there's still potential in that one. We'll see how this plays out.

The next thing you'll need is an AlertPay account to move your money in and out of these programs. Get one by going here: AlertPay: Click here. This will allow you to send money via email. Pretty straight forward, link it to your bank account and then you can turn the loot you're gonna make here into spendable cash.

Some other websites to earn free money are listed below with a brief description of each. All these websites I am earning money in and if I have been paid payment proof is shown. After you have completed the two primary programs add these ones to further your goal more quickly. Don't add 50 PTCs to this because you won't be able to keep up with them and you'll likely be dropped by them. Keep it simple to no more than 5 PTCs to begin with.

Clixsense pays between 1 penny and 2 pennies per ad viewed. The ads open up in a new browser window and you don't have to click anything other than the link that opens the ad. Only have one ad open at a time in 30 seconds open the next link. These people pay via check and they charge $3.00 fee for it. Set your cash out minimum to $20 instead of $10 to get a larger check [$17.00 with the $3.00 fee].
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WordLinx - Low Cost Traffic
Word Linx
Wordlinx has been online for about 6 years so there's longevity, they're not here today and gone tomorrow. The ads come in all day long because this is the main revenue generator for them. Check the site once a day and click all the ads, then if you have time check back later in the day and there might be some more to click. Ads can pay anywhere from a half a cent to 2 cents. You click on a link and then click on the yellow dot and the ad opens in a new window. When the timer runs out click on the words "Remove Frame" in order to get paid. Payouts are made to PayPal.

Hits 4 Pay
Hits 4 Pay and Deals N Cash are from the same company with slight differences. The format is the same using an online email in-box and the ads open into frames. When the timer runs out you click on the "Next Ad" bar at the top which brings you back to the next ad in your in-box. These pay about 2 cents each. I load both sites in separate tabs on my browser at the same time. Sometimes one site will have ads and the other won't, but check both every day. Minimum payout is $25.00 via PayPal. Your totals keep rolling over until you hit the minimum cash out figure. Signup for free and get $10.00 in your account which makes it only $15.00 worth of clicks until cash out. Referrals earn on two levels.

Similar to Hits 4 Pay, join for free and get a $5.00 bonus. Ads earn you 5 cents per view. Minimum cash out is $30.00. Pays by check through the mail. Referrals earn on two levels.

